NSW Log Book 11. Changing Lanes

NSW Log Book 11. Changing Lanes

Learning Goal
Safely and legally change lanes, merge, diverge and overtake other vehicles.

Learning Content

Meaning of lane lines: safe and legal places to change lanes and overtake.

Selecting a safe gap to change lanes.

Lane changing procedure
– Check mirrors
– Signal intention
– Check blindspot
– Steer


Overtaking vehicles { same procedure as lane change but judgement of oncoming traffic required.}

Reduce speed to respond to the changing conditions.

Facts and Tips
Supervising drivers will need to assist with gap selection when lane changing or merging.
Learners may begin to steer the car whilst they are checking their blindspot. Supervising drivers will need to watch for this behavior.
Initial overtaking should be practised by overtaking stationary vehicles in quiet streets. Passing slow moving vehicles in the left lane can be used to illustrate the distance required to overtake.