NSW Log Book 3. Moving off and stopping.

NSW Log Book 3. Moving off and stopping

Learning Goal.
Move the vehicle from and return to the kerb.

Learning Content.

Adjusting and securing seatbelts

Starting up and shutting down the engine safely

Selecting gear for moving off

Coordination of clutch and accelerator

Use mirrors before moving off and braking

Use of signals for leaving and returning to the kerb

Check blindspots before leaving, or returning to the kerb

Choosing a safe gap to move from the kerb

Use of two stage braking ” Set up and Squeeze”

Use of park brake to secure the vehicle when stationary, or when moving off uphill.

Facts and Tips.
You must signal for five seconds before leaving the kerb.
Correct braking is done in two stages, first put light pressure on the brake peddle and pause {set up the brakes} then progressively apply the necessary braking pressure.
Two stage braking {set up and squeeze} improves braking effectiveness. reduces the likelihood of skidding and provides better control.
When stopping at a stop line you must stop completely before reaching the line, and as close as possible to the line.