NSW Log Book 5. Changing gears

NSW Log Book 5. Changing gears

Learning Goal.
Change gears smoothly and efficiently to suit road conditions, speed and vehicle requirements

Learning Content.

Position and use of gear lever

Coordination of clutch, accelerator and gear lever

Changing up and down gears according to speed

Braking and changing down gears to prepare for a corner

Selecting gears in an automatic vehicle

Facts and Tips
Gear changing, like steering, is primarily a physical skill that requires judgement, timing, technique and coordination. Improvement only comes from practice.
Plenty of practice now will make future learning easier.

A common mistake is to rush when changing gears when learning.
Pausing for a moment in neutral can help make gear changes smoother.

Selecting first {L} or second {S} gear in an automatic vehicle will help reduce the load on the brakes on long downhill sections.

Remember to check the mirrors before slowing down.

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