NSW Tips for new provisional drivers

Tips for new provisional drivers

The crash rate of learner drivers is actually very low, partly due
to the guidance provided by the supervising driver. However, as a
newly licensed provisional driver driving without this supervision,
the risk of crashing is significantly greater.
By imposing your own constraints and gaining support when needed you
can reduce some of the risks involved.
Crash data shows that the risk of provisional drivers crashing is greater at
night, particularly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.

Avoid driving at these times if at all possible.

A relative or trusted friend can be very helpful in new and challenging
driving situations. However, some passengers can distract you and make it
harder to focus on driving.

For the first 12 months of provisional driving limit yourself to a maximum of one passenger.
From July 2007, all provisional P1 drivers under 25 have a passenger limit between 11pm and 5am.

Distractions like adjusting a CD player or radio can divide your concentration
and result in a crash. If you have a passenger, get them to do the task. If you
are by yourself, wait until you are stopped before you divert your attention to
these activities. If you wish to use a mobile phone you must pull over to the
side of the road and turn the engine off.
As a provisional driver you are still limited to zero alcohol.
If you have had any drink or food containing alcohol you cannot drive.