NSW Safe Driving Low risk driving

NSW Safe Driving Low risk driving

Driving is never risk free, but you should aim to drive ‘low risk’.

A low risk driver has good observation, speed management and road positioning skills.

NSW Safe Driving    –   OBSERVATION
The key to good observation is scanning.
Scanning is keeping your eyes moving, checking in one area for a couple of seconds and then moving your eye to another area.
When scanning look:
• In the distance.
• At the road surface.
• To your left and right.
• Regularly at your mirrors and instruments.

Drive at a speed that is within the speed limit and this will allow you to react and
completely stop within the distance you can see is clear. When you see potential
hazards, slow down and prepare to stop (referred to as setting up the brakes), for
example when pedestrians are close to the road or when other vehicles may turn in
front of you. If you cannot see at least five seconds ahead you must slow down.
Slow down on wet, icy or gravel roads where it will take longer for your vehicle to

What is a Hazard ?
A hazard is any possible danger that might lead to a crash. Hazards can be
seen or unseen, actual or potential, for example.
• A pedestrian waiting to cross.
• A blind corner.
• A car approaching a stop sign on an adjacent street.
• Poor driving conditions.

Safe Driving  –   ROAD POSITIONING
Position your vehicle to maximise the distance from hazards (referred to as
buffering). For example, moving to the left at the crest of a hill to create space
from oncoming vehicles, or moving away from parked cars to avoid pedestrians
and doors opening.
Check your mirrors before making any change to your speed or position.

Crash avoidance space
A safe low risk driver maintains a crash avoidance space completely around the
The crash avoidance space is managed by adjusting the vehicle’s speed and
road position.
To determine the crash avoidance space to the front of the vehicle you need to
take into account two key factors – reaction time and response time.

Reaction time is the time the driver needs to:
• See the information.
• Perceive what it means.
• Decide on a response.
• Instigate that response.

A driver who is fit, concentrating, alert and not affected by alcohol, drugs, fatigue
or a distraction, will still require about one and a half seconds to react to a hazard.
Response time is the time required to take action.
Generally a minimum of one and a half seconds is needed to respond. In many situations braking may be the only possible response. Swerving is rarely appropriate and can result in a more severe crash, for example a head-on collision.
A total of three seconds crash avoidance space is needed to react and respond to a
situation in front of you. You may need even longer in poor conditions such as in
rain or darkness.