Automatic You are restricted to driving an automatic vehicles transmission vehicle if tested in one.
Blood Alcohol Your BAC must be zero.
This means your Concentration (BAC) cannot have any alcohol in your system when you
drive a vehicle.
Demerit points Your licence will be suspended if you incur 4 or more points.
Display of P signs P signs (red P on a white background) must be clearly displayed on the front and back of the exterior of the vehicle.
Licence class You cannot learn to drive for a higher class licence.
Mobile phone You must not use any function of a mobile phone, including loudspeaker devices when driving.
Passengers P1 drivers under 25 years of age are restricted to carrying one passenger under 21 years of age between 11pm and 5am.
Seatbelts You must ensure all occupants are properly seated and restrained by seatbelts or approved restraints.
Speed limit You must not drive faster than 90 km/h and must observe the speed limit where it is below 90 km/h.
Your licence will be suspended for at least three months for any speeding offence.
Supervising a learner You must not supervise a learner driver.
Towing You are allowed to tow light trailers up to 250 kilograms unloaded weight.
Vehicles You must not drive any vehicle with:
• Eight or more cylinders, (diesel powered engines exempt)
• A turbocharged or supercharged engine (diesel powered engines exempt).
• Modifications that increase engine performance.
• Any other vehicle identified by Roads and Maritime
– details available on Roads and Maritime website.
Please note exemptions may apply.