NSW Practical driving experience – Learner Driver Log Book

NSW Practical driving experience – Learner Driver Log Book

Research indicates that learner drivers who increase their supervised on-road experience can reduce their crash risk by 30 per cent, in the first two years of solo driving. Learner drivers under supervision have a very low involvement in crashes. It is only when they begin to drive solo that their involvement in crashes increases.

Your learner driver log book allows you and your supervising driver(s) to record your driving experience. Take care of your log book. If you need a replacement log book, you will need to attend a registry or service centre and pay a replacement fee.

You must log at least 120 hours of supervised driving, including a minimum of 20 hours of night driving, before you can attempt the driving test. Night driving hours are between sunset and sunrise.

Driving lessons with an instructor – 3 for 1

For every one hour structured driving lesson you complete with a licensed Driving Instructor, you can record three hours driving experience in your Log Book. A maximum of 10 hours of lessons will be accepted and recorded as 30 hours driving experience.

This doesn’t mean that driving lessons with an instructor are compulsory, or that you should stop having lessons once you reach the 10 hour limit, if you feel you’d benefit from more lessons.

Driving lessons at night (between sunset and sunrise) count for only one hour of night driving. The other two hours are added to your day driving hours.

Log it – Be sure to record these sessions in your Structured Lesson Record Keeper log book insert.

You do not have to complete a Learner Driver Log Book if you:

Are over 25 years old

Previously held a NSW or interstate driver licence, other than a learner licence

Previously held an overseas licence, other than a learner licence

Hold an overseas licence, other than a learner licence, and are issued with a learner licence after failing one driving test

Are specifically exempted by Roads and Maritime Services.

Recognition of log book hours recorded in another state or territory

If you’ve held a learner licence in another Australian state or territory, Roads and Maritime will recognise hours recorded in an interstate learner driver log book, as long as you provide appropriate documentation.

Practice drives planner

The Practice drives planner is available for supervisors, parents and learner drivers to plan on-road driving experiences. The weekly calendar-style planner can be put up on the fridge or on the wall, so that everyone gets a reminder to negotiate dates and times for practice drives.

The planner can also stimulate discussion between the supervisor and learner driver about where to drive, and what skills to practice. It helps when negotiating and developing a driving partnership. Learning goals and learning content can be found in the Learner Driver Log Book.


Plan for practice on a variety of types of roads with different levels of traffic
Ensure the learner driver is getting variety in the time of day
Make sure you plan some night drives, preferably later in the process.
Safer Drivers Course

The Safer Drivers Course helps young drivers on their Ls prepare for driving solo when they graduate to provisional licences.

The course teaches learners how to reduce road risks and includes ways to cope when you have your mates in the car or if you’re running late by developing safe driving behaviour.

It’s also designed to help you understand more about speed management, gap selection, hazard awareness and safe following distances, which your parents, supervising drivers or professional driving lessons may not have covered.

Earn credit hours

As well as becoming a safer driver, you can earn a bonus of 20 hours of log book credit once you complete the course, so you only need to finish 100 hours of supervised driving outside the course.

The course has been designed for a learner to attend once, and therefore, the 20 hours of bonus log book credit will only be deducted once.

If you also take 10 hours of professional driving lessons, you’ll receive a further 20 hours of credit on top of the 10 hours you drive during those lessons.

Learner driver Credit Supervised driving hours Logbook total
Safer Drivers Course 20hrs
10hrs of professional lessons 20hrs
Safer Drivers Course and 10hrs professional lessons      40hrs

Professional lessons totalling more than 10 hours will not provide additional credit.

More information

To complete a course, you must be on your Ls , aged under 25 and have completed at least 50 log book hours of driving.

The course costs $140 and includes a three-hour group discussion with other learners and a two-hour in-vehicle coaching session with another learner.

The course is available in almost 250 locations across NSW.

NSW Driving Test Common Mistakes

NSW Driving Test Common Mistakes

The officers agree that the big NSW Driving Test Common Mistakes are the small but important things like signalling – either forgetting to indicate or not doing it for long enough and observation – failing to check your mirrors or blind spots. Stop signs can also be troublesome, particularly when it comes to stopping before the line.


Don’t just flick your indicator and drive off, you must signal for at a least 5 seconds before leaving a parking space or moving from a kerb. It is also important to signal at the right time because signalling too early, too late or leaving your indicator on can confuse other road users.

Blind spots

Not checking blind spots is another common error. You need to check your blind spots and mirrors when merging, changing lanes and during your manoeuvres. Drivers often forget to check their left hand side blind spot when turning left off wide roads. Think of it this way, if you could fit a car between the kerb and your car, a head check in your blind spot is required before turning left. You never know when something will be travelling up that part of the road. And don’t forget that an observation check is also required to confirm that it is safe to continue before moving off after being stopped at traffic lights.

Stop signs

A common mistake is not stopping at stop signs and just slowly rolling through. You have to stop the whole car behind the line at a stop sign and traffic lights. Stopping behind the line at traffic lights and then creeping forward does not count – you have to stay behind the line. You can move forward at stop signs when the view may be obscured, but only after you’ve come to a complete stop.


Another problem is not selecting safe gaps in traffic. It’s a matter of judgement and experience. Sometimes learners will pull out and misjudge the speed of the car coming towards them or, if it’s a truck, you need to take into account that the truck takes longer to stop than a car.

Right turns

Be decisive, learners trying to turn right at lights can take too long to turn – there may be plenty of room but if you hesitate you can get into trouble.



NSW Driving Test Common Mistakes
NSW Driving Test Common Mistakes

Camber Driving School Review

Cameron from camber driving school

Camber Driving School Review

After not being passing my test for 5 times and attending couple of different driving schools, I finally had my driving lesson with Cameron at Camber Driving School today. It was a 2 hour lesson, I was quite nervous but Cameron was very encouraging and calm we went through practising turns and crossing at junctions, parkings. After two hrs we went to rta and then finally i PASSED!!!!
Yayyy I would never have been able to do it without Cameron amazing guidance, he was always calm when I was panicking and gave me confidence in my own judgments.
Thank you so much Cameron.
Anum Hammad

Camber Driving School Review
Camber Driving School Review

NSW Driving Test – Safe Driving

NSW Driving Test  Safe Driving

Low risk driving
Driving is never risk free, but you should aim to drive ‘low risk’. A low risk driver has good observation, speed management and road positioning skills.
The key to good observation is scanning.
Scanning is keeping your eyes moving, checking in one area for a couple of
seconds and then moving your eye to another area.
When scanning look:
• In the distance.
• At the road surface.
• To your left and right.
• Regularly at your mirrors and instruments.
Drive at a speed that is within the speed limit and this will allow you to react and completely stop within the distance you can see is clear. When you see potential
hazards, slow down and prepare to stop (referred to as setting up the brakes), for
example when pedestrians are close to the road or when other vehicles may turn in
front of you. If you cannot see at least five seconds ahead you must slow down.
Slow down on wet, icy or gravel roads where it will take longer for your vehicle to

NSW Driving Test – Vehicle Control

NSW Driving Test – Vehicle Control

Your ability to control the vehicle is assessed by the way you handle the tasks involved.

Some of the driving tasks that the testing officer will observe and record are
listed here:
Adjust driver’s seat posture and steering column (if adjustable) to ensure you have good control of the vehicle.

Operate accelerator smoothly when accelerating and decelerating.

Operate brakes smoothly and effectively.

Coordinate clutch and gear lever to make smooth gear changes.

Select appropriate gear for the situation including when coming to a stop and parking the car.

Avoid over-revving on take off and gear changes.

Driver’s seat belt is correctly fastened, fitted and adjusted (low, flat and firm).

Apply a brake when starting the vehicle.

Prevent rolling back when starting on hills.

Use park brake correctly when preparing to secure the vehicle and ensure it is fully released when driving.

Steer with both hands on the steering wheel (except when using another control), using either ‘hand-over-hand’ or ‘pull-push’ method with hands on the outside of the steering wheel.

Use other controls such as indicators, windscreen wipers and demisters.

You must be confident in your use of all controls and be able to operate them without being distracted.

NSW Driving Test - Vehicle Control
NSW Driving Test – Vehicle Control

NSW Logbook 19. City and motorway driving

NSW Logbook 19. City and motorway driving

Learning Goal
Gain experience driving in complex and busy city traffic and motorway environments

Learning Content
Driving in the city – busy commercial centres
Driving on motorways including –
Using tool booths, e-tags etc
Using on and off ramps
Driving in tunnels
Following direction signs
Electronic signs –  variable speed limit signs
Low risk driving on freeways including increased following distance for speed and avoiding blindspots of other drivers

Facts and Tips
Learner drivers must not drive faster than 90 Km/h and must observe the speed limit where it is below 90 Km/h
Take advantage of situations like family holidays to get some experience driving on motorways



Driving Test Blind Spot Checks.

Checking Blind Spots On Your Driving Test

Based On The NSW Guide To The Driving Test.      guide-to-driving-test

Blind spots checks are also known as head checks and shoulder checks.

If you miss three blind spot checks on your driving test you will probably fail.  So every time your blinker is blinking check the appropriate blind spot.  Every time.

You must turn your head and check your blind spots before:
• Changing lanes.
• Leaving or returning to the kerb.
Before leaving the kerb,   blink for at least 5 seconds and the very last thing before you move your car is a blind spot check.
Returning to the kerb, check your left blind spots.

• Merging or diverging.
• Reversing.
Before reversing, check three mirrors and both blind spots,   looking mainly over your left shoulder out the back window while reversing.

• Turning left – looking for pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles that could be
beside you in your blind spot.
Every time you turn left,    blink  and check your left blind spot – well before the turn.   NOT during the left turn.

• Turning right – looking for vehicles that may be overtaking you.
Before making any right turn, check your right blind spot, looking for cars, bikes etc overtaking you on the right.
You can do the check as you approach the right turn or just before the turn.

• Joining the traffic stream.
• Leaving the inside lane of a multi lane roundabout.
When you are on the inside or right lane check your LEFT blind spot as you leave the roundabout. You are making sure the traffic in the left lane is not going to turn in front of you.  

On your driving test slow down for roundabouts and then you will time to blink left when leaving plus check your blind spot.
When reversing you must turn your head and look over your shoulder to check
through the rear window for vehicles and pedestrians that may not be visible
in your mirror. All vehicles have blind spots behind.

Any questions please call or contact me.   If you want to book a driving lesson please call.  0438 364 244


RMS Driving Test NSW RTA Driving Test

Getting Ready For Your RMS Driving Test.

There are two overlooked things that are really important for your RMS driving test.
Refer to the “The Guide To The Driving Test” and make sure your understand this

Before proceeding through traffic lights, you must turn your head and check to ensure there are no vehicles that may be ‘running’ the red light, or pedestrians crossing against the ‘don’t walk’ sign. You must also turn your head and check to ensure it is safe before proceeding across a railway level crossing.

Therefore BEFORE you enter an intersection with traffic lights you MUST turn your head and look right and left.  If you do not do this you will fail.   Even if there is no road on your left or right you still must turn your head.   Cos you need to look for pedestrians as well as bikes, cars, trucks etc.

The other overlooked thing is blind spots checks.  Simply, every time a blinker is blinking there is a blind spot to check.  Every time you change direction,  as in turn left,  you must indicate your intention and check the blind spot.

You must turn your head and check your blind spots before:
• Changing lanes.
• Leaving or returning to the kerb.
• Merging or diverging.
• Reversing.
• Turning left – looking for pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles that could be beside you   in your blind spot.
• Turning right – looking for vehicles that may be overtaking you.
• Joining the traffic stream.
• Leaving the inside lane of a multi lane roundabout.
When reversing you must turn your head and look over your shoulder.

On your RTA driving test you must do all blind spot checks because if you miss three you will fail. And you will be grumpy plus have to redo the RTA driving test.

When going through multi-lane roundabouts slow it down so you can blink left to leave the roundabout plus check your left blind spot if you are in the right lane.  On my video page have a look at the three videos, may help you pass your driving test. Good Luck !

Katie passed RMS driving test
Katie passed the RMS Driving test

Any questions about your RMS driving test, call Cameron 0438 364 244

[cy] Camber Drivng School Cameron Latta 34 Nathan Cres Dean Park, NSW, Australia