A safe low risk driver maintains a crash avoidance space completely around the
vehicle. The crash avoidance space is managed by adjusting the vehicle’s speed and
road position.
To determine the crash avoidance space to the front of the vehicle you need to
take into account two key factors – reaction time and response time.
Reaction time is the time the driver needs to:
• See the information.
• Perceive what it means.
• Decide on a response.
• Instigate that response.
A driver who is fit, concentrating, alert and not affected by alcohol, drugs, fatigue
or a distraction, will still require about one and a half seconds to react to a hazard.
Response time is the time required to take action. Generally a minimum of one
and a half seconds is needed to respond. In many situations braking may be the
only possible response. Swerving is rarely appropriate and can result in a more
severe crash, for example a head-on collision.
A total of three seconds crash avoidance space is needed to react and respond to a
situation in front of you. You may need even longer in poor conditions such as in
rain or darkness.
The three-second gap, explained on the next page, can be used when following
another vehicle or if there is potential for something to move into your crash
avoidance space.

To calculate a three-second crash avoidance space when following another vehicle
use this basic technique. As the rear of the vehicle in front of you passes an object
at the side of the road such as a power pole, tree or sign, start a three-second
count ‘one thousand and one, one thousand and two, one thousand and three’.

If your car passes the object you picked before you finish the three-second count,
you are following too closely. Your crash avoidance space is not large enough. Slow
down, and repeat the count again until the three-second crash avoidance space is
In poor driving conditions, such as rain, night and gravel roads, it may be necessary
to increase your crash avoidance space to four or more seconds.
To reduce the risk of driving into the rear of a vehicle, the three-second crash
avoidance space is essential, as the vehicle in front has the potential to stop very
quickly if it collides with another vehicle or stationary object

The following table shows the crash avoidance space needed for these speeds
Speed Crash avoidance space
60 km/h 50 metres
80 km/h 67 metres
100 km/h 84 metres
110 km/h 92 metres
The three-second gap can also be used for situations where there is potential
for something to move into your crash avoidance space; for example a car in an
adjacent street could fail to give way and pull out in front of you.
Safe low risk drivers experienced in maintaining a three-second following distance
are able to mentally judge a three-second crash avoidance space in front of their
vehicle. If there is potential for a hazard to enter this crash avoidance space, reduce
your speed to create a buffer. It is necessary to maintain the crash avoidance space
for all potentially hazardous situations, including blind corners and crests.
Many of the crashes that occur each day in NSW could be avoided if drivers
actively maintained their crash avoidance space.

NSW Driving Test – Vehicle Control

NSW Driving Test – Vehicle Control

Your ability to control the vehicle is assessed by the way you handle the tasks involved.

Some of the driving tasks that the testing officer will observe and record are
listed here:
Adjust driver’s seat posture and steering column (if adjustable) to ensure you have good control of the vehicle.

Operate accelerator smoothly when accelerating and decelerating.

Operate brakes smoothly and effectively.

Coordinate clutch and gear lever to make smooth gear changes.

Select appropriate gear for the situation including when coming to a stop and parking the car.

Avoid over-revving on take off and gear changes.

Driver’s seat belt is correctly fastened, fitted and adjusted (low, flat and firm).

Apply a brake when starting the vehicle.

Prevent rolling back when starting on hills.

Use park brake correctly when preparing to secure the vehicle and ensure it is fully released when driving.

Steer with both hands on the steering wheel (except when using another control), using either ‘hand-over-hand’ or ‘pull-push’ method with hands on the outside of the steering wheel.

Use other controls such as indicators, windscreen wipers and demisters.

You must be confident in your use of all controls and be able to operate them without being distracted.

NSW Driving Test - Vehicle Control
NSW Driving Test – Vehicle Control



You must be aged 17 years or over to get a NSW driver licence.
If you hold an overseas licence to drive or ride (including a learner licence) and want to get a NSW licence, you must go to a registry or service centre and:
• If your licence is in English, present your overseas licence.
• If your overseas licence is not written in English, provide:
– Your overseas licence and an official translation from the NSW Community
Relations Commission or the Commonwealth Department of Immigration
and Citizenship (DIAC).
– Where extra licence information is required (for example, about the first issue
date or the validity period of the licence or where the type of vehicle authorised
to be driven or ridden is not shown) a letter from a relevant consulate or diplomatic office.
• If you cannot produce your overseas licence, provide:
– A letter from the overseas licence issuing authority confirming your licence
details and status, or,
– A letter from a relevant consulate or diplomatic office, based on information
received from the overseas licence issuing authority, confirming your licence
details and status.
Any letter provided to confirm licence details or status should be in English or
have an official English translation as described above.

Before you first attend the registry or service centre, you may wish to obtain a
letter from the driver licence issuing authority (on its letterhead), or from your
relevant consulate or diplomatic office, confirming your licence details, including
the first issue date.

You must also:
• Prove your NSW address.
• Prove your identity.
• Pass an eyesight test.
• Pass a knowledge test for each class of licence required.
• Pass a driving test for each class of licence required.
• Provide documents proving the first issue date of your licence, if it is not displayed on the licence.
If you fail the driving test, your visiting driver privileges will be withdrawn.

To continue driving in NSW you must then get a learner licence that will allow you to
drive (while supervised by a person who has an Australian full licence) and then go
for another driving test.

Under Australian licensing laws only one licence can be used for driving in
Australia. Before a NSW licence will be issued, you must present your overseas
licence so that the details can be verified and recorded. Your overseas licence will
be returned to you unmarked.

You may be exempt from some tests if:
• You have, within the last five years, held an Australian driver licence which can
be verified by the issuing authority, or,
• You hold a current New Zealand driver licence, or,
• You are applying for a Class C (car), or,
• Class R (rider) licence and you hold a current overseas rider licence, or one that
expired within the past five years, from a country recognised as having comparable
licensing standards to Australia.

Note: Roads & Maritime reserves the right to require a driving or riding test. A licence may not be issued unless Roads & Maritime is satisfied that the overseas licence is valid.

The length of time you have held an overseas car or rider licence will determine
the type of licence that you are eligible to hold.
• If you have held your overseas car or rider licence for less than
one year, you will only be eligible for a P1 licence.
• If you have held a car or rider licence for more than one year but less than
three years, you will only be eligible for a P2 licence.
• If you have held a driver or rider licence for more than three years,
you will be eligible for a full licence.
To apply for a class of licence other than one you already hold, you must pass the
appropriate knowledge test and driving test (taken in a vehicle of that class).

From 18 April 2008, new licensing rules apply to visiting drivers who want to obtain a NSW licence for the first time.
Information for visiting drivers can be found on our website or in the brochure
Guide for international drivers.

When you apply for a licence, you must state whether your disability could affect
your driving. Roads & Maritime will assess your disability as having either a minor
or serious effect on your driving ability. If a disability is considered serious, a
disability driving test has to be taken. Conditions can be placed on your licence, for
example ‘may only drive vehicle with automatic transmission’.

You must advise Roads & Maritime if you have a medical condition that could
affect your driving, such as epilepsy.

You are required to give details when you complete an application form, or contact Roads & Maritime should you develop a condition while already holding a licence.
For some medical conditions you will need regular medical examinations to make
sure you are fit to drive. Your doctor should have received a copy of the national
medical guidelines for assessing fitness to drive a motor vehicle. Roads & Maritime
will send a medical report form to be completed by a doctor whenever you are due
for an examination. The completed report must be returned to Roads & Maritime.

Roads & Maritime may suspend or cancel your licence if information is available
that proves you should not be driving. For example, a doctor may report that a
patient does not meet the medical standards and is no longer fit to drive.



If you have a current overseas licence and a permanent resident visa, you are
allowed to drive or ride in NSW on your current licence for a maximum
of three months after arriving in Australia.

To drive with your current licence during the three-month period, you must
not be disqualified from driving or riding and your licence must not be suspended or

You must obtain (not just apply for) a NSW licence within this three-month
period if you wish to continue to drive or ride.

Please note that if your overseas licence is not in English, you must also carry your
International Driving Permit or an English translation with your licence when

We have a driving school test package that includes a one hour driving lesson then the driving test.
We can prepare you for a Blacktown Driving Test, Castle Hill Driving Test, Penrith Driving Test, Richmond Driving Test and Mount Druitt Driving Test.

Our driving school is located in the Western Suburbs of Sydney and we prepare students for their driving test at Blacktown, Castle Hill, Mount Druitt, Penrith and Richmond.

We do driving school lessons in the following suburbs:
Baulkham Hills,   Beaumont Hills,   Bella Vista,   Blacktown,   Castle Hilll,
Dean Park,   Doonside,  Emerton, Erskine ParkGlendenning,   Glenwood,   Kellyville,  Kings Langley,  Kings Park, Lalor Park,   Marayong,   Minchinbury,  Mount Druitt,   Mt Druitt,  Plumpton,   Prospect,  Quakers Hill,   Rooty HillRopes Crossing,   Rouse HillShalvey,      Schofields      Seven Hills,   Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds,    Winston Hills,  Woodcroft

Click To Book Your Manual Driving Test

Special offers:
One hour driving school lesson auto
Blacktown Driving School Lessons $50
Mount Druitt Driving School Lessons $50
Castle Hill Driving School Lessons $50
Penrith Driving School Lessons $50
Richmond Driving School Lessons $50
Special offers:One hour driving lesson & driving test,
Blacktown Driving School Test Package $150
Castle Hill Driving School Test Package $150
Mount Druitt Driving School Test Package $150
Richmond Driving School Test Package $150
Penrith Driving School Test Package $150


Driving Test Blind Spot Checks.

Checking Blind Spots On Your Driving Test

Based On The NSW Guide To The Driving Test.      guide-to-driving-test

Blind spots checks are also known as head checks and shoulder checks.

If you miss three blind spot checks on your driving test you will probably fail.  So every time your blinker is blinking check the appropriate blind spot.  Every time.

You must turn your head and check your blind spots before:
• Changing lanes.
• Leaving or returning to the kerb.
Before leaving the kerb,   blink for at least 5 seconds and the very last thing before you move your car is a blind spot check.
Returning to the kerb, check your left blind spots.

• Merging or diverging.
• Reversing.
Before reversing, check three mirrors and both blind spots,   looking mainly over your left shoulder out the back window while reversing.

• Turning left – looking for pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles that could be
beside you in your blind spot.
Every time you turn left,    blink  and check your left blind spot – well before the turn.   NOT during the left turn.

• Turning right – looking for vehicles that may be overtaking you.
Before making any right turn, check your right blind spot, looking for cars, bikes etc overtaking you on the right.
You can do the check as you approach the right turn or just before the turn.

• Joining the traffic stream.
• Leaving the inside lane of a multi lane roundabout.
When you are on the inside or right lane check your LEFT blind spot as you leave the roundabout. You are making sure the traffic in the left lane is not going to turn in front of you.  

On your driving test slow down for roundabouts and then you will time to blink left when leaving plus check your blind spot.
When reversing you must turn your head and look over your shoulder to check
through the rear window for vehicles and pedestrians that may not be visible
in your mirror. All vehicles have blind spots behind.

Any questions please call or contact me.   If you want to book a driving lesson please call.  0438 364 244


Your First Driving Lesson.

Your First Driving Lesson.  

Your first driving lesson and learning to drive are important milestones in your life and  there are a lot of things to learn and remember.

These tips will help you get the most out of your first driving lesson and help you become a safe driver. All driving schools can sign off one hour as three in your log book. For ten hours.

Where possible we make sure your first driving lesson is in a controlled area.  Maybe an industrial park on Sunday.  We then move onto normal roads but stay away from main roads until you are ready.

Before starting your first driving lesson:
review your knowledge of the road rules
put your L plates on your car
store your learner logbook in your glove box or another safe place
(you will need to fill it out after every drive)
decide where you are going to keep your learner licence
(you will need to have it on you every time you drive).

You can drive with anyone you choose, as long as they have
a full licence.

It is a good idea to combine driving lessons with a driving school and
regular practice sessions with your parents or friends.

Driving Lessons:
You must hold your learner licence for at least 1 year—this gives
you plenty of time to practice your driving skills in a variety of situations.

You should spread your driving practice out over the entire learner
licence period, instead of waiting until just before your practical driving test.

Weekly practice in different places is important for
developing good driving skills.

Make sure you drive in different conditions, in the dry, in the wet,
during peak hour, at dusk and at night.

When deciding to practice driving with a supervisor,
make sure you are alert and focused.

Cancel your first driving lesson if you:
are tired
have had alcohol—as a learner, you must comply with the no alcohol limit
are affected by medication—either illegal or prescription drugs.
Before you start your first driving lesson:
check that the tyres are inflated properly
make sure you have enough fuel and that the oil and water is full
adjust your seat so you have good visibility and control
adjust the headrest so the top is at least as high as your eye level
adjust the steering wheel height so you are comfortable and have a good
view of the instrument panel and the road ahead
make sure your feet can comfortably reach the pedals
ask your supervisor to walk around the car and help you do a mirror check
to find blind spots
ask your supervisor to check that the indicator and brake lights
are working correctly
take note of where important controls, such as the handbrake, demister,
windscreen wipers, indicators and horn are located and make sure they
all work correctly.
If you are learning to drive in more than 1 car, take the time to adjust
to the different cars—some may have power steering, different brakes or mirrors.
When you drive at night:
Turn your headlights on between sunset and sunrise or when visibility
is reduced—not only do you need good visibility to drive, other drivers
also need to be able to see you.
If a vehicle comes toward you with its lights on high beam, slow down and
look to the left edge of the road until the vehicle has passed you.
When you drive in rainy, foggy or smoky conditions:
reduce your speed
increase your following distance behind the vehicle in front
avoid sudden braking, accelerating or turning to reduce your risk of skidding
turn your headlights on
use your air conditioning or demister so the windows and windscreen do not fog up
obey all road closure signs
never drive on a road or street covered with water.
When you drive in the city:
always have your route planned and make sure you are in the correct lane
to avoid any sudden changes and stress
be extra aware of road signs, signals and road markings, such as one way signs,
no entry signs, shared zones and pedestrian crossings
watch out for reduced speed limits in areas with high pedestrian traffic.

When you drive on suburban streets:
keep your eyes open when driving near parked cars—children and other pedestrians
can be hard to spot if they are crossing the road from behind parked cars
take extra care in areas where children are likely to be around, such as schools
and playgrounds
stay alert at stop and give way signs, and at unmarked intersections
you should never drive faster than 50km/h unless there is a sign indicating

When you drive on main roads:
Increase your following distance behind the vehicle in front of you.
Because you drive faster on a main road, you need to allow for a longer
stopping time.
In good conditions, there should be at least 3 seconds between your
vehicle and the vehicle you are following.
Drive to the conditions and to the speed limit.
Approach intersections with care—even when you have a green light.
Pay attention to what other road users are doing.
Look for hazards ahead of the vehicle you are following—this will allow
you more time to react.
Plan your moves in advance and give plenty of warning of what you intend to do.
Indicate these intentions correctly, such as when you want to change lanes or turn.

To book  your first driving lesson please call Cameron 0438 364 244.

First Driving Lesson
First Driving Lesson

[cy] Camber Drivng School Cameron Latta 34 Nathan Cres Dean Park, NSW, Australia